Lower & Upper Secondary

Lower & Upper Secondary

Lower Secondary Math

Building a strong algebraic foundation


Your child will learn how to express their Math content knowledge to clarify their understanding more importantly, write math (Symbols or text) in a way that is concise and clear to avoid being penalise

Laws, Theorems & Formulas

A large part of math at sec school level requires your child to learn rules, perform algebra computations.

Your child will learn these rules and identify the context to apply these rules to successfully compute and solve sums.

Key Topics *(New) Content

✓ Operations and Classification of Numbers

Algebraic Manipulation

Solving Equations

Linear & Quadratic Graphs

Basic Trigonometry

Volume of 3D objects

Plane Area of composite shape

School Work

Your child could miss school because of CCA commitments or medical reasons. We know how important it is to catch up with school work. Your child can ask for help with their school work to catch up with their class pace.

Revisions and Lessons

Every school has a different set of lesson plan, assessment dates and topics taught to their students.

We personalize revisions for your child to ensure their revision needs are met to reach their academic goals.

Read and Analyze Math

Question comprehension is paramount to solving word problem sums. Your child will learn the “Language and terms” used in math questions to help them comprehend question and solve the question.

Upper Secondary Math

Scaling for Success


Our weekly sessions are suitably paced for your child to allow new knowledge to “Sink in” and pose questions to clarify their preconceived notions of new theorems, laws and rules that are taught.

More Rules, laws and theorems

At Upper Sec level, your child will be exposed to more math rules, laws and Theorems.

Your child will be taught how to recognize the conditions to use/apply these rules, laws and theorems correctly to solve math sums.

Key Topics

A Math

Indices, Surds, Logarithms

Polynomials and functions

Graphs (Plane Coordinate)

Functions (IP, IB)



E Math

School Work

Your child could miss school because of CCA commitments or medical reasons. We know how important it is to catch up with school work. Your child can  ask for help with their school work to catch up with their class pace.

Revisions and Lessons

Every school has a different set of lesson plan, assessment dates and topics taught to their students.

We personalize revisions for your child to ensure their revision needs are met to reach their academic goals.

Read and Analyze Math

Question comprehension is paramount to solving word problem sums. Your child will learn the “Language and terms” used in math questions to help them comprehend question and solve the question.

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